# Powershell, <s>123</s> 115 bytes

<!-- language-all: lang-powershell -->

    switch -r($args|% t*y){'\s'{$a=0}'\S'{$w+=!$a;$a=1}'(?s).'{$b++}'
    "{0,$c} {1,$c} $b"-f$l,+$w

Test script:

    $f = {

    switch -r($args|% t*y){    # evaluate all matched cases
        '\s'   {$a=0}          # any whitespace (newline not included)
        '\S'   {$w+=!$a;$a=1}  # any not-whitespace (newline not included)
        '(?s).'{$b++}          # any char (newline included!)
        '`n'   {$l++}          # new line char
    "{0,$c} {1,$c} $b"-f$l,+$w


        , ("a b c d`n", "1 4 8")
        , ("a b c d e f`n", " 1  6 12")
        , ("  a b c d e f  `n", " 1  6 16")
        , ("a`nb`nc`nd`n", "4 4 8")
        , ("a`n`n`nb`nc`nd`n", " 6  4 10")
        , ("abc123{}[]()...`n", " 1  1 16")
        , ("`n", "1 0 1")
        , ("   `n", "1 0 4")
        , ("`n`n`n`n`n", "5 0 5")
        , ("`n`n`na`nb`n", "5 2 7")
    ) | % {
        $s,$e = $_
        $r = &$f $s
        "$($e-eq$r): $r"


    True: 1 4 8
    True:  1  6 12
    True:  1  6 16
    True: 4 4 8
    True:  6  4 10
    True:  1  1 16
    True: 1 0 1
    True: 1 0 4
    True: 5 0 5
    True: 5 2 7


* `$args|% t*y` splits arument strings into chars
* `switch -r($args|% t*y)` evaluate *all matched cases*
  * `'\s'` case for any whitespace
  * `'\S'` case for any non-whitespace
  * `'(?s).'` case for any char (newline included)
  * `'\n'` case for newline char (newline represent itself)
* `$c="$b".Length` calculate a length of bytes number. $b is always max($l,$w,$b) by design
* `"{0,$c} {1,$c} $b"-f$l,+$w` format numbers with same length. The variable $w converts to int. It need for strings without words. Other variables formats 'as is' because 'The input will always contain a trailing newline' and $l and $b cannot be 0.