
<!-- language: lang-cobra -->

    class Trig
    	const mod as float = 0.0174532925199433f
    	var time as System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
    	var file as String[] = File.readAllLines('trig.in')
    	var input as float[] = float[](1)
    	var sin_out as float[] = float[](1)
    	var cos_out as float[] = float[](1)
    	var tan_out as float[] = float[](1)
    	def main
    		.input = float[](.file.length)
    		.sin_out = float[](.file.length)
    		.cos_out = float[](.file.length)
    		.tan_out = float[](.file.length)
    		for num, line in .file.numbered, .input[num] = float.parse(line)
    		for num in .input.length, .compute(num)
    		for num in .file.length, .file[num] = (.sin_out[num].toString('0.000000E+0') + ' ' + .cos_out[num].toString('0.000000E+0') + ' ' + .tan_out[num].toString('0.000000E+0'))
    		File.writeAllLines('trig.out', .file)
    		print .time.elapsed
    	def compute(index as int)
    		degrees as float = .input[index]
    		#add `degrees %= 360` for numbers greater than 360
    		sin as float = .sin(degrees)
    		degrees += 90
    		if degrees % 180, cos as float = Math.sqrt(1 - (sin * sin)) * (((degrees - 180) * -1) / Math.abs(degrees - 180))
    		else, cos as float = 0
    		.tan_out[index] = ((sin / cos) * 10000000)to uint64 / 10000000f
    		.sin_out[index] = (sin * 10000000)to uint64 / 10000000f
    		.cos_out[index] = (cos * 10000000)to uint64 / 10000000f
    	def sin(degrees as float) as float
    		if degrees % 180
    			rad as float = sin as float = degrees * .mod
    			two as float = rad * rad
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 6
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 120
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 5040
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 362880
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 39916800
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 6227020800
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 1307674368000
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 355687428096000
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 121645100408832000
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 51090942171709440000f
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 25852016738884976640000f
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 15511210043330985984000000f
    			sin -= (rad *= two) / 10888869450418352160768000000f
    			sin += (rad *= two) / 8841761993739701954543616000000f
    			return sin
    		else, return 0

Compile it with `cobra filename -turbo`

**Tests:** AMD FX6300 @5.1GHz

 - The 360 * 10000 test used by the C answer runs in 530ms (vs 190ms)

 - The 4-entry test used by the Python and Java answers runs in 0.4µs (vs 30µs, 3µs)

 - The 1000 random angle test used by the Fortran answer runs at 100ns per angle (vs 10µs)