#Bash, 179 bytes

<!-- language: lang-bash -->


 - Saved 7 bytes thanks to Adam Katz comment

It uses `sed` to do regex replacement. First regex input is based on [Sp3000 idea](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/54609/42928) while second regex uses common input without spaces.


    echo              print to standard output the following
    U                 boundary U character
    sed -r [etc]      the result of replacing regex
        .             select a character
        & &           replace it for: matched char, space, matched char
        g             do it globaly for every character
        <<<HAAB[etc]  string input based on Sp3000 idea => HA AA AB ...
    F                 boundary F character
    sed -r [etc]      the result of replacing regex
        ..            every two characters
        <space>&      for space+matched character
        g             do it globally
        <<<ANAR       normal input => AN AR ...