#Java 10, <s>145</s> <s>129</s> <s>107</s> <s>106</s> <s>103</s> <s>93</s> 77 bytes

<!-- language-all: lang-java -->

Loads of bytes saved thanks to *@Frozn*, and by using `Object` as return-type, we can comply with OP's rules of returning the input-array when the array is empty, despite Java's one-return-type-only nature regarding methods.

    m->{int f=1;for(var a:m)f=m[0].length!=a.length?0:f;return m.length<1?m:f>0;}

[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##rU9Pa4MwFL/7Kd5uClaM7cnM9hOsPfQoHtI06XQmlhgtQ/LZ3XOVbofBEAohvOT3fv8q1rNVdf4Yec3aFt5YqQcPoNRWGMm4gP30BDicKsEtcB@RvMgLUAFFwHl4tZbZksMeNGQwqtV2wCWQGaGyMX7PDLBUBTJTeVxEtdAX@/6SsXnaxamkRtjOaFDz3yvZqVRuY@pGOhlcu1ONBrNP35RnUBjUP1pT6guGYcE95fGztUJFTWejK0K21r6OuK/FbWqE9niC7@D/7mLHuybAQFz4x5g4t0ALmcvWwyRch5tFpEfImfsr6k8BhMiGJOvnKD9aOc@NXw)


    m->{                  // Method with integer-matrix parameter and Object return-type
      int f=1;            //  Flag-integer, starting at 1
      for(var a:m)        //  Loop over the rows of the matrix
                          //   If the length of the first and current row aren't the same:
           0              //    Change `f` to 0
          :               //   Else:
           f;             //    Leave `f` the same
      return m.length<1?  //  If there is only one row:
              m           //   Return the input-matrix as result
             :            //  Else:
              f>0;}       //   Return whether the flag `f` is still 1 as boolean