Excel VBA ___+___, <sub><sub><s>465</s></sub></sub> 332 Bytes

>___NOTE:___ Uses References to 
* Microsoft HTML Object Library
* Microsoft Internet Controls
* Microsoft Scripting Runtime

<!-- language-all: lang-vb -->


Full `Sub` routine that takes input `n` (short for name) of expected type `Variant/String` and outputs the first google image search result for the query of that name and `glamour shot` to the `Sheets(1)` object

	Sub g(n)
	Set i=New InternetExplorer
	l="google.nl/search?tbm=isch&q="&Replace(n," ","+")&"+glamour+shot"
	For y=0To 2
	i.navigate l
	While i.readyState<4
	Do Until InStr(1,l,IIf(y,"yp","res"))
	Set x=i.document.getElementsByTagName(IIf(y,"img","a"))(j)
	If y Then l=x.src Else l=x.href
	End Sub

-2 bytes for removing white space in `If InStr(1, a.href, "imgres") Then`

-2 bytes for changing `.navigate (a.href)` to `.navigate a.href`

-27 bytes for reducing `for each a in ... if (...) then ... end if .. next` loop to `do until ... loop`

-10 bytes for condensing `imgres` to `res` and `encrypted` to `yp`

-8 bytes for removing initalizers for `j`, `k` and assuming clean module

-1 byte for changing `google.com` to `google.nl`

-3 bytes for replacing `Dim i as New ...` with `Set i=New ...`

-8 bytes for removing `SHDocVw.` class reference

-12 bytes for removing `with i` block

-7 bytes for removing `i.quit` - this causes some memory leakage by leaving internet explorer open in the background, as such it is recommended that either the full ungolfed version is used instead or that the internet explorer task is terminated through task manager after use 

-6 bytes for moving `i.navigate` into helper subroutine `h`

-13 bytes for moving `Do Until ... Loop` into helper subroutine

-2 bytes by moving `j=0` into helper and removing `,j`, `,0` (x2) 

-11 bytes for converting to an anonymous immediate window function

-8 bytes for reducing helper function calls into `for .. next` loop

-16 bytes for changing output from `Sheets(1)` picture object to displaying via the `InternetExplorer` object

__Ungolfed, 1304 Bytes__

    Option Private Module
    Option Compare Text
    Option Explicit
    Option Base 0
    Sub GlamourShot(ByVal name As String)
        Dim ie As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer, _
            doc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument, _
            link As String, _
            j As Integer, _
            k As Integer
        With ie
            On Error GoTo CloseIE #'prevents memory leak
            Let .visible = True
            Call .navigate("www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=" & _
                        Replace(name, " ", "+") & _
            While .readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE Or .Busy
            Set doc = .document
            Let j = 1
            Do Until InStr(1, link, "imgres") > 0
                Let link = doc.getElementsByTagName("a")(j).href
                Let j = j + 1
            Call .navigate(link)
            While .readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE Or .Busy
            Let k = 1
            Do Until InStr(1, link, "encrypted") > 0
                Let link = doc.getElementsByTagName("img")(k).src
                Let k = k + 1
            With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
                Call .Range("A1").Select
                Call .Pictures.Insert(link)
                Call .Activate
            End With
            Call .Quit
        End With
    End Sub

__Usage gif__

[![Usage Gif][1]][1]

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/yQFgR.gif