# [PowerShell], <s>168</s> <s>125</s> 122 bytes

<!-- language-all: lang-powershell -->

    $a=(,' '*24+'
    '&$:&8%$%6%&%5%&%6%$%8&:$'|% t*y|%{$i+=$_-35;$a[$i]='\/'[$i%2]}}

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[PowerShell]: https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell
[TIO-kfbdfhz5]: https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/XyXRVkNHXUFdy8hEW51LXVPL0IzLQMcCBBFEjWq1SqatSr62rUo8l7qaipWahaqKqpmqmqopEJsB2RZqVirqNaoKJVqVYMUglbrGptYqidEqmbG26jH66kCGqlFsbS2XblZ@Zp5K4v//AA "PowerShell – Try It Online"

The script creates the array of 400 chars and renders 8 diamonds started from positions with intervals `0,8,8,88,8,88,8,8`.

 * The string `'&$:&8%$%6%&%5%&%6%$%8&:$'` contains the intervals of offsets for the rendered symbols.
 * The expression `|% t*y` is shortcut for `|foreach-object toCharArray`

First render steps:

<!-- language-all: text -->







and so on.