# [SimpleTemplate][1], 23 bytes

This answer is for a language I wrote, which was supposed to be for templates but hasn't seen many updates.

This is the basic "split, loop, output twice", but without the splitting.


And now, ungolfed:

    {@each argv.0 as char}
        {@echo char, char}

And an explanation:

 - `{@each argv.0 as char}`  
    Loops over each value in `argv.0`, which is the first argument given when calling the `render()` method.  
    Due to this, you can pass an array of characters or a simple string, and it will loop through it.  
    The `as char` is optional and the default variable name is `_`.  
    **Whitespace is optional**
 - `{@echo char, char}`  
    Outputs `char`. Twice.  
    **Whitespace is optional**

 - `{@/}`  
    Closes the scope of the `{@each ... }`.  
    **This is optional**, as the language was written to keep track of how many scopes were open and automatically closes all at the end.

Pretty simple, right?

You can try it on: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/d008a116a051df131edf02533182c5305cf8e834  
When trying, you can go to line 906 and change the variable between `$golfed` and `$ungolfed` to try both versions.

  [1]: https://github.com/ismael-miguel/SimpleTemplate