# gs2, 3 bytes, cracked by feersum


In `gs2`:

* `e` or `\x65` is `product` on lists (such as the empty list of characters representing STDIN), so it pushes an int `1`.
* `|` or `\x7c` is `power-of-2`, which changes it into 2<sup>1</sup> = 2.
* `h` or `\x68` is `hello`, which is a *ridiculous* command. The story goes as follows: when designing `gs2`, I set out to beat every code golf language on shinh's golf server, but `goruby` has an easter egg command `h` that prints `Hello, world!` (note the lowercase w), allowing it to claim the #1 spot on the [hello world challenge](http://golf.shinh.org/p.rb?hello+world)'s leaderboards. I wanted to one-up goruby, so I added my own easter egg command `h` that pushes `Hello, world!` to the stack, but **allows you to customize the capitalization and punctuation by pushing an integer before it:**

            elif t == '\x68': #= hello
                x = 0
                if len(self.stack) >= 1 and is_num(self.stack[-1]):
                    x = self.stack.pop()
                    x = (range(0, 11) + [100, 1000, 16, 64, 256]).index(x)
                s1 = 'h' if x & 1 else 'H'
                s2 = 'W' if x & 2 else 'w'
                s3 = ['!', '', '.', '...'][((x & 4) >> 2) | ((x & 16) >> 3)]
                s4 = '' if x & 8 else ','
                f = '%sello%s %sorld%s' % (s1, s4, s2, s3)

  As you can see by looking at the `s2 =` line, if there's a number `2` at the top of the stack, it'll get replaced with the uppercase-W variation: `Hello, World!`.