Haskell, 134C


    c n=null[x|x<-[2..n-1],n`mod`x==0]&&n>1
    p=filter c[1..]
    g l(m:n:o)
     |(n-m)>l=do print(m,n,n-m);g(n-m)(n:o)
     |True=g l(n:o)
    main=g 0 p


    -- c function checks if n is a prime number
    c n=null[x|x<-[2..n-1],n`mod`x==0]&&n>1

    -- p is an infinite list of primes
    p=filter c[1..]

    -- g function prints a list of primes and differences.
    --   l is the maximum difference seen so far
    --   (m:n:o) is the list of unprocessed primes
    g l(m:n:o)
     |(n-m)>l=do print(m,n,n-m);g(n-m)(n:o)
     |True=g l(n:o)

    -- main starts the ball rolling with a default max-seen value of 0
    main=g 0 p