JavaScript (ES6), 101 characters
Recursive function that prints each line
f=(n,i=0)=> // f = recursive function, i = current line (default = 0)
n? // if n != 0
i-n? // if we are not in the last line, print the line
`+f(n,i+1) // add the output of the next line
:(g="╨"[r](n))+"─"+g // if we ARE in the last line, print the last line
:"" // print nothing if n = 0
Test does not use default parameter for browser compatibility.
var solution = f=(n,i)=>n?(i|=0)-n?(b="║"[r="repeat"](i))+`╔${"═"[r]((n-i)*2-1)}╗${b}
<input type="number" oninput="result.textContent=solution(+this.value)" />
<pre id="result"></pre>