# [Pyth], 15 bytes }Qmjk^R2d*SsQUs [Try it online!][TIO-lzvbr7wq] [Pyth]: https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth [TIO-lzvbr7wq]: https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/vzYwNys7LsgoRSu4ODC0@P9/JUsDJQA "Pyth – Try It Online" [Test cases][TIO-lzu9a98v] [Pyth]: https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth [TIO-lzu9a98v]: https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/36c2KTcrOy7IKEUruDgptDjpf6VvtJKhoZKSpYGSkqGBAZBlaGYCYgJZBoZmQAkgMjRR@g8A "Pyth – Try It Online" A program that takes an integer value as a string (because the trailing 0 is recognized as a a separate value) and outputs `True` for the 'concats of two squares', `False` otherwise. The calculation time for the large values exceeds 1 minute. #### Explanation: ```python }Q # check if the input value is in the list. m # The list is constructed by mapping: jk # concatenation ^R2 # and squaring d # of the argument d * # mapped over the cartesian product SsQ # of the range from 1 to Q Us # with the range from 0 to Q-1 ```