<sup>This challenge is similar to [this old one](http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/3783/3808), but with some unclear parts of the spec hammered out and less strict I/O requirements.</sup> ----- Given an input of a string consisting of only printable ASCII and newlines, output its various metrics (byte, word, line count). The metrics that you must output are as follows: - Byte count. Since the input string stays within ASCII, this is also the character count. - Word count. This is `wc`'s definition of a "word:" any sequence of non-whitespace. For example, `abc,def"ghi"` is one "word." - Line count. This is self-explanatory. The input will always contain a trailing newline, which means line count is synonymous with "newline count." There will never be more than a single trailing newline. The output must exactly replicate the default `wc` output (except for the file name): llama@llama:~$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'A-Za-z \n' | head -90 > example.txt llama@llama:~$ wc example.txt 90 165 5501 example.txt Note that the line count comes first, then word count, and finally byte count. Furthormore, each count must be left-padded with spaces such that they are all the same width. In the above example, `5501` is the "longest" number with 4 digits, so `165` is padded with one space and `90` with two. Finally, the numbers must all be joined into a single string with a space between each number. Since this is [tag:code-golf], the shortest code in bytes will win. (Oh, and by the way... you can't use the `wc` command in your answer. In case that wasn't obvious already.) Test cases (`\n` represents a newline; you may optionally require an extra trailing newline as well): "a b c d\n" -> "1 4 8" "a b c d e f\n" -> " 1 6 12" " a b c d e f \n" -> " 1 6 16" "a\nb\nc\nd\n" -> "4 4 8" "a\n\n\nb\nc\nd\n" -> " 6 4 10" "abc123{}[]()...\n" -> " 1 1 16 "\n" -> "1 0 1" " \n" -> "1 0 4" "\n\n\n\n\n" -> "5 0 5" "\n\n\na\nb\n" -> "5 2 7"