# [K (ngn/k)], 16 bytes `c$97+26!+/-97+' [Try it online!][ngn-38318bc6] [K (ngn/k)]: https://codeberg.org/ngn/k [ngn-38318bc6]: https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxLs0pIVrE01zYyU9TW1wUy1Lm40qKVMlJzcvLL84tyUpRiQfzEpOSU1DQIOzk/JTU9PwfKKy5JTM5OrUjOSMxLT4UqBgGlWADA6Bwt Explanation: ``` `c$97+26!+/-97+' Main function. Takes implicit input ' For each character in the string -97+ + -97 to each of them to convert them into the 0..25 system (In K, every character in a string is also an ASCII charcode) +/ Sum 26! Modulo by 26 97+ + 97 to each of them (to convert them back to ASCII charcode) `c$ And convert them back to characters ```