#[05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), <s>26</s> <s>24</s> <s>23</s> <s>22</s> 23 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)


-1 byte thanks to *@Emigna*.  
+1 byte for bugfixing test case `` incorrectly returning a truthy result.

[Try it online](https://tio.run/##ATsAxP9vc2FiaWX//ycuwqHCqcOvw75Kwq5KUcKu0L3EgMKuZzRR4oKFw53CrsOlYFD//zE5Mi4wMC4wLjI1NQ) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##XVAxTgMxEPyKZSGl4Ha09p1DrkCpaFKRGiGRQISoIgUJkQ4hwQPoKSgoaI4XQOHjAbwhHzm8zl3iQytLMzuzY6@Xt7P5zaK5W4@12jy/KD1eNwP4N/9Rf9bfE19Npr76/fp58NV1Md08PtWvvqrfL06brDnTBmbIMAxbsM6UNqUNnRFCX6h1LhoYeRFlEcCdlJxumNkgtyiOtnaLHIJCxPaa1hmEAySRZVnuBvZR2A3MMMclrqJkc5ATzVjh9H8HciDrhiDuL0H9LdoVOyI47fZR6iXe48M04yQh4QHJh92b9hOkBA6WK2WODZGQaFSxIsxi6fM/).


<!-- language-all: lang-python -->

    '.¡          '# Split the (implicit) input by "."
       ©          # Save it in the register (without popping)
        ïþJ®JQ    # Check for each that they do NOT start with a "0" (excluding 0s itself),
                  # and that they consist of digits only
        ®нĀ       # Check that the first number is not 0
        ®g4Q      # Check that there are exactly 4 numbers
        ₅Ý®å      # Check for each of the numbers that they are in the range [0,255],
            `     # and push the result for each number separated onto the stack
             P    # Check if all values on the stack are truthy (and output implicitly)