# C, 611 <del>615</del> <del>623</del> <del>673</del> <del>707</del> bytes

Source code:
<!-- language-all: lang-c -->


With newlines and whitespace added for legibility/explanation:

	01	j,c,p[256][256]={0},r;
	02	char*a,*b,*y,Y[612],X[306]="j,c,p[256][256]={0},r;char*a,*b,*y,Y[612],X[306]=\"@\";main(){a=b=X;for(y=Y;*a-64;)*y++=*a++;for(;*b;*y++=*b++)if(*b==34)*y++=92;for(a++;*a;)*y++=*a++;*y=0;for(a=Y;*a;a++)p[*a][*(a+1)]++;c=*Y;do{putchar(c);for(r=j=0;j<256;j++)r+=p[c][j];r=rand()%r;for(j=0;j<256;j++){r-=p[c][j];if(r<0)break;}c=j;}while(c);}";
	03	main(){
	04		a=b=X;
	05		for(y=Y;*a-64;) *y++=*a++;
	06		for(;*b;*y++=*b++) if(*b==34) *y++=92;
	07		for(a++;*a;) *y++=*a++; *y=0;
	08		for(a=Y;*a;a++) p[*a][*(a+1)]++;
	09		c=*Y;
	10		do{ putchar(c);
	11			for(r=j=0;j<256;j++) r+=p[c][j];
	12			r=rand()%r;
	13			for(j=0;j<256;j++){
	14				r-=p[c][j];
	15				if(r<0) break;
	16			} c=j;
	17		} while(c);
	18	}

The variable `p[][]` will contain the occurrences of each character following another. `X` contains the entire source, with `'@'` substituted for the value of `X`, in quotes. The buffer `Y` will point start at `X[310]`, one character past the end of the initial string, and will use up 616 bytes. (310 + 616 < 999.)

The for-loops on lines `05`, `06`, and `07` replace the `'@'` in `X` with the content of `X`, escaping double quotes, and stores it in `Y`.

Line `08` tallies the occurrences of one character following another. And line `09` starts the Markov model at the first character of the program (`'j'`).

The do/while loop from `10` to `17` first outputs the current state of the Markov model, then finds the next state using a random number within the range of all successive occurrences.

Sample output:
