**JAVA, 100 BYTES**

    for(int i=1;i<100;i++){String s=i%3==0?"fizz ":"";s=i%5==0?s+"buzz":s;System.out.println(s==""?i:s);}

probably could be a lot smaller, I just started to learn java a few days ago (although I do have experience in other languages), this is the best I can do.
breakdown of how it works, sorry if I get some terms wrong or explain stuff badly

    for(int i=1;i<100;i++) 
just the loop, starts at 1 goes to 100

    {String s=i%3==0?"fizz ":"";
Making a string called "s", equal to a value, if "i" is divisible by 3 with a remainder of 0, set "s" equal to "buzz". If it isn't, set it equal to "". 

set s equal to a value: if i is divisible by 5 with a remainder of 0, set s equal to s + "buzz", if it isn't, set it equal to itself


System.out.println is just a simple print statement, inside it, check if s is equal to "" (if s wasn't divisible by 3 or 5, it would be "") print i (the number), otherwise print s

feedback is greatly appreciated.