#Mathematica, 369 bytes, 2765 characters


Ungolfed version:

    i = "This is a string, meant to test the effectiveness of your program. Here are some special characters to make matters interesting: Æ Ø ß. How meta! :D";
    t[i_] := {Mod[2 i, 256], Quotient[i, 2], BitXor[i, 1], BitXor[i, 128], 0}
    w[a_, b_] := Position[t[a], b][[1, 1]]
    g = Graph[Range[0, 255], 
         Property[i \[DirectedEdge] #, EdgeWeight -> w[i, #]] & /@ 
          Union@t[i], {i, 0, 255}]];
    f = FindShortestPath[g, All, All]; c = m = 0; o = "";
    u[a_, b_] := (Do[
       o = o <> ToString[m = 1 - m], {If[a == b, 6, w[a, f[a, b][[2]]]]}];
       m = 1 - m;)
    Do[While[c != y, u[c, y]; c = f[c, y][[2]]]; 
     u[c, c], {y, ToCharacterCode[i]}];