The R language: No calls to `+` or `-`...

    sum(as.numeric(readLines(stdin(), 2)))


    > sum(as.numeric(readLines(stdin(), 2)))
    [1] 579

The `[1] 579` is the answer 579 (the `[1]` is to keep track of where in the result vector your are since in R all values are vectors - in this case of length 1)

Note that R has `+` operators just like most languages - it just so happens that it has `sum` too that sums up a bunch of vectors.

In this case, `readLines` returns a string vector of length 2. I then coerce it to numeric (doubles) and sum it up...

Just to show some other features of R:

    > 11:20 # Generate a sequence
     [1] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    > sum(1:10, 101:110, pi)
    [1] 1113.142