# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt), 32 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)

    {kî-⌠ *_£(∞k£+'_*û/ ï*\n}û\/k* k

[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##AUEAvv9tYXRoZ29sZv//e2vDri3ijKAgKl/CoyjiiJ5rwqMrJ18qw7svIMOvKlxufcO7XC9rKiBr//8xCjMKNQoxMAoxMg)


<!-- language-all: lang-python -->

    {             # Loop the (implicit) input amount of times:
     k            #  Push the input-integer
      î-          #  Subtract the 1-based loop-index
        ⌠         #  + 2
          *       #  And repeat that many spaces
     _            #  Duplicate this string
      £           #  Pop and push its length
       (          #  + 1
        ∞         #  * 2
         k        #  Push the input-integer again
          £       #  Pop and push its length
           +      #  Add those two integers together
            '_*  '#  And repeat that many "_"
     û/           #  Push the 2-char string "/ "
        ï*        #  And repeat it the 0-based loop-index amount of times
     \            #  Then swap the top two strings on the stack
     n            #  And push a newline character
    }û\/k*        # After the loop: repeat 2-char string "\/" the input amount of times
                  # Push a space
     k            # And push the input-integer
                  # (after which the stack is joined together and output implicitly)