#J, <s>15</s> 7 chars, 1 tie breaker, incomplete program

This is my J attempt. It is not a full program, because I have not yet figured out how to write one. Just put that line in a script to get the function `p` that can be used for adding an arbitrary amount of numbers. It is a monad and takes a list of numbers to add (such as `p 1 2 3 4`):


The idea is very simple. The function is written in tacit aka pointless style. Here is a pointed definition:

    p=:3 :'##~y'

Read from right to left. In the tacit version, `@` composes the parts of the function. (like a ∘ in mathematics [(f∘g)(x) = f(g(x)])

* `y` is the parameter of `p`.
* `~` makes a verb reflexive. For some verb `m`, `m~ a` is equal to `a m a`.
* `#` (copy, `a#b`): Each element in `a` is replicated `i` times, where `i` is the element at the same index as the current element of `a` of `b`. Thus, `#~` replicates an item `n` `n` times.
* `#` (count, `#b`): Counts the number of elements in `b`.

Conclusion: J is awsome and less readable than Perl (that makes it even more awsome)


* 15 -> 7 using `#` instead of `i.`. Yeah! Less chars than golfscript.