#NASM x86_64 - <s>349</s> 283 bytes This should be run 64 bit linux systems built using: `nasm loading_golfed.asm -felf64 && ld loading_golfed.o` %use altreg global _start section .data o:db"Loading... " s:db"|/-\\" b:db`\bx` q:dq 0,250000000 _start:mov r0,1 mov r7,1 mov r6,o mov r2,12 syscall mov r2,2 l:mov r7,1 mov al,[s+r8] mov [b+1],al mov r0,1 mov r6,b syscall mov r0,35 lea r7,[q] mov r6,0 syscall inc r8 and r8,3 jmp l animation: saved 65 bytes - thanks user254948 [![enter image description here][2]][2] [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/GErli.gif