## CJam (6 * 240 = 1440)


[Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=5e!72%3E), [validation](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=5e!72%3E%0A%0Ae_5e!%5Cf%7B%5C%23%7Dp) (outputs the index at which each permutation of `0..4` can be found; it needs to flatten the output because the original program gives suitable output to stdout but what it places on the stack is not directly usable).

Approach [stolen from Sanchises](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/179644/194), although the permutation order of CJam is different, giving a different substring.


## CJam (22 * 207 = 4554)


[Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=0a4%7B\)W%40%2BW%2B1%24\)ew%5Ca*W-%7D%2F), [validation](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=0a4%7B\)W%40%2BW%2B1%24\)ew%5Ca*W-%7D%2F%0A%0A5e!%5Cf%7B%5C%23%7Dp).

### Dissection

This uses a simple recursive construction.

    0a       e# Start with a superpermutation of one element, [0]
    4{       e# for x = 0 to 3:
      )      e#   increment it: n = x+1
      W@+W+  e#   wrap the smaller superpermutation in [-1 ... -1]
      1$)ew  e#   split into chunks of length n+1
      \a*    e#   insert an n between each chunk
      W-     e#   remove the -1s from the ends