Python 3 - <s>45</s> <s>42</s> 41 Bytes

41 bytes with the constraint of running from a different process every run. 


42 with no contraints.


The idea was to use the same wrapper as in [here][1], but a different RNG:  
Create a new object (a <s>set</s> dict in this case, because it takes <s>5</s> 2 characters <s>`set()`</s> `{}`), and take the `id()` of that, which is its memory address.

The memory address acts like a uniform hash, which has <s>`1/10000`</s> `1/40000` (thanks @ovs) chance to end with zeros.

[Try it online!]( "Python 3 – Try It Online")

**Update to 42 bytes:**  
Instead of `set()`, use `{}` which is the `dict` constructor. Can't go shorter for dynamic object creation.

[Try it online!]( "Python 3 – Try It Online")

**Update to 41 bytes:** - use static object creation!  
Thanks to @dingledooper  
**Works only if the program is run in a different process every run!**  
Instead of `{}`, use `0`.  
`0` is an object in Python, so it has a virtual memory address. In a new process every run, we get the desired randomness. This is the case in a [stateless server]( "Python 3 – Try It Online").
In the same process every run, the output will not be random.

[Try it online!]( "Python 3 – Try It Online")
