##[Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth) - 71 [Cracked](http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/41123/31625)


    C-3P0: "Sir, the possibility,..."* 
    Han Solo: "Never Tell Me The Odds!"



*Originally, George Lucas had Han interrupt C3-PO.**

**He called this his greatest idea since Jar-Jar.


>! `ts,*s,y30 l" : : i i Han Solo "eP-C"h"TsrhT`

>! The remaining characters go on the next line. Pyth only interprets the first line of a file.<br><br>`ts,` make a 2-tuple and get their sum -1.<br>`*` multiply:<br>`s,y30 l"..."` sum the 2-tuple containing 2*30 and the length of the string (18).<br>`eP-C"h"T` get the largest prime factor of h's ascii value minus 10 (47).<br>`srhT` get the sum of numbers from 0-10.<br><br>All in all, this basically just computes: (30*2+18)*(47)+55-1. After reading @isaacg's answer I noticed there is an extremely simple solution: `*h30tC"y"` which is 31*120.

Sorry for poor explanation formatting, I don't know how to use spoiler blocks :S (@Sp3000 made it a bit nicer for you, though)

Now you can run Pyth online! [Try it here.](http://isaacg.scripts.mit.edu/pyth/index.py) Thanks @isaacg :)