Crash landed and just trying to survive.   Survives mostly by it's agility and intelligence and counts every scar, considering carefully if it's worth it to start a fight or not. The survivor starts off just hunting and trying to avoid all those other aliens with their big weapons but as it gets more bold may start to go after them. When it really gets going it won't care who it's facing anymore.

    package alien;
    import planet.Move;
    public class Survivor extends Alien {
        private int boldness = 0;
        private float life = 0;
        private float str = 1;
        private float def = 4;
        private float clever = 10 - life - str - def;

        public void setAbilityPoints(float[] abilities) {
            abilities[0] = life; //life
            abilities[1] = str; //strength
            abilities[2] = def; //defense
            abilities[3] = 0; //vision
            abilities[4] = clever; //cleverness
        public Move move(char[][] fields) {
            //you are in the middle of the fields, say fields[getVisionFieldsCount()][getVisionFieldsCount()]
            int vision = getVisionFieldsCount(); //count of fields / middle
		char me = fields[vision][vision]; //middle of fields
		int leastDanger = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		Move bestMove = Move.STAY;
		for (Move move : Move.values()) {
			int danger = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i <= vision; i++) {	//loop through fields in specific direction
				int fieldX = vision + (i * move.getXOffset());
				int fieldY = vision + (i * move.getYOffset());
				switch(fields[fieldX][fieldY]) {
					case 'A':
                        if(boldness < 10)
                    case ' ':
			if (danger < leastDanger) {
				bestMove = move;
				leastDanger = danger;
		return bestMove;
        public boolean wantToFight(int[] enemyAbilities) {
            //same order of array as in setAbilityPoints, but without cleverness
            bool fight = boldness < 50;//After 50 fights, believes self unstoppable            
            int huntable = 0;
            for(int ability in enemyAbilities){
                if(ability == 1)
            if(huntable >= 3){
                 fight = true;
            }//if at least 3 of the visible stats are 1 then consider this prey and attack
            else if((float)enemyAbilities[1] / (float)getDefenseLvl() <= (float)getStrengthLvl() + (float)(getClevernessLvl() % 10) / (float)enemyAbilities[2] && enemyAbilities[0] / 5 < getLifeLvl() / 5)
                fight = true;//If I fancy my odds of coming out on top, float division for chance
            if(fight){//Count every scar
                boldness++;//get more bold with every battle
                life += enemyAbilities[0] / 5;
                str += enemyAbilities[1] / 5;
                def += enemyAbilities[2] / 5;
                clever += (10 - (enemyAbilities[0] + enemyAbilities[1] + enemyAbilities[2] + enemyAbilities[3] - 4)) / 5;//count the human cleverness attained or the enemies who buffed clever early
            return fight;