#Concession bot - Python 2
The inverse of my other bot. Attempts to predict what move its opponent will play so that it can come up with the worst possible move.
<!-- language: lang-python -->

    import sys
    import random
    concessions = {"R": "LS", "P": "VR", "S": "PL", "L": "VP", "V": "SR"}
    valid_letters = "RPSLV"
    # Create a dictionary of all possible patterns of how the cause history could have affected the effect history's next letter
    def generate_pattern_dict(cause_history, effect_history):
    	dictionary = {}
    	# Run through all the rounds so far
    	for round in xrange(len(cause_history)):
    		history = cause_history[:round][::-1]
    		letter = effect_history[round]
    		if not letter in dictionary:
    			dictionary[letter] = {}
    		# Loop through every size of a string that could fit in the history
    		for hs_len in range(1, len(history) + 1):
    			# Loop through every position a string of that size could be in
    			for hs_pos in range(len(history) - hs_len + 1):
    				# Add this occurance to the dictionary; noting how long before the letter it occured and what it was
    				history_string = history[hs_pos:hs_pos + hs_len]
    				dist = hs_pos
    					dictionary[letter][(dist, history_string)] += 1
    				except KeyError:
    					dictionary[letter][(dist, history_string)] = 1
    	return dictionary
    # Given a pattern dictionary; predict the next letter based on a history
    def get_probabilities(patterns, history):
    	probs = {}
    	history = history[::-1]
    	# Look at all the letters that have been used
    	for letter in patterns:
    		probs[letter] = 0
    		# Look at all the known string patterns to have preceded this string and mark this letter as more likely the more strings that point to it
    		for key, occurrences in patterns[letter].iteritems():
    			dist, history_string = key
    			if history[dist: dist + len(history_string)] == history_string:
    				probs[letter] += occurrences
    	return probs
    def get_most_probable(dictionary):
    	highest_prob = 0
    	hightst_letters = ""
    	for letter, prob in dictionary.iteritems():
    		if prob >= highest_prob:
    			if prob > highest_prob:
    				hightst_letters = letter
    				highest_prob = prob
    				hightst_letters += letter
    	if len(hightst_letters) == 0:
    		hightst_letters = valid_letters
    	return random.choice(hightst_letters), highest_prob
    def get_histories():
    		return (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
    	except IndexError:
    		return ("", "")
    def concede(letter):
    	return random.choice(concessions[letter])
    def get_hand(my_history, opponent_history):
    	# Look at the affect the opponent's moves have on what they choose next
    	pattern_dict = generate_pattern_dict(opponent_history, opponent_history)
    	pattern_probs = get_probabilities(pattern_dict, opponent_history)
    	pattern_letter, pattern_prob = get_most_probable(pattern_probs)
    	# Look at what affect my moves have on what the opponent chooses next
    	prediction_dict = generate_pattern_dict(my_history, opponent_history)
    	prediction_probs = get_probabilities(prediction_dict, my_history)
    	prediction_letter, prediction_prob = get_most_probable(prediction_probs)
    	if pattern_prob > prediction_prob:
    		opponent_letter = pattern_letter
    	elif pattern_prob < prediction_prob:
    		opponent_letter = prediction_letter
    		opponent_letter = random.choice((pattern_letter, prediction_letter))
    	return concede(opponent_letter)
    print get_hand(*get_histories())

Run with:

        python concession_bot.py <args>