# MATLAB, <s>63</s> 41 bytes f=@(x)numel(x(+~isequal('google',x):end)) Unlike the other more elegant solutions, performing a division by zero operation in MATLAB will not give an error, but rather `Inf`. This solution finds the length of the string by `numel`. The string that is produced is in such a way that you index from the beginning of the string to the end, which is essentially a copy of the string. However, what is important is that the beginning of where to access the string is produced by checking whether or not the input is equal to `'google'`. If it isn't, this produces a beginning index of 1 and we index into the string normally... as MATLAB starts indexing at 1. Should it be equal, the index produced is 0 and MATLAB will throw an indexing error stating that the index needs to be a positive integer. The extra `+` is to ensure that the output of the equality check is numerical rather than Boolean/`logical`. Omitting the `+` will produce a warning, but because this challenge's specifications don't allow for warning, the `+` is required... thus completing the code. # Example uses >> f=@(x)numel(x(+~isequal('google',x):end)) %// Declare anonymous function f = @(x)numel(x(+~isequal('google',x):end)) >> f('bing') ans = 4 >> f('google') Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. Error in @(x)numel(x(+~isequal('google',x):end)) --- # A more fun version, <s>83</s> 77 bytes f=@(x)eval('if isequal(''google'',x),web([x ''.com/i'']);else numel(x),end'); The above isn't an official submission, but it's something that's a bit more fun to run. Abusing `eval` within anonymous functions, what the code does is that it checks to see if the input string is equal to `'google'`... and if it is, this will open up MATLAB's built-in web browser and shows Google's 404 error page trying to access the subpage located at `i` when that doesn't exist. If not, we display the length of the string normally. # Example uses >> f=@(x)eval('if isequal(''google'',x),web(''www.google.com/i'');else numel(x),end'); >> f('bing') ans = 4 >> f('google') >> The last call using `'google'` gives us this screen: [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/qrUWW.png