# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org), 46 bytes

g _ 0=[]

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This is based on [xnor's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/70522/) but it employs 1 clever trick.

The \$n\$-bonacci sequence always start with \$n\$ `1`s.  A more general version of this might start with just any \$n\$ values.  And this more general version is what we implement with `g`.  `g` takes a list of \$n\$ integers and a value \$m\$ and gives us a list of the first \$m\$ terms of this generalized \$n\$-bonacci sequence.

The trick is then that `g[1]` is a cheap way to generate \$n\$ `1`s.  Since the sequence starting with `[1]` is just an endless stream of `1`s.  So we use `g` in two ways, and even though `g` might be slightly longer because it implements something a little more general it saves bytes because it serves two purposes.