# x86-16 machine code, IBM PC DOS, <del>13</del> 10 bytes 00000000: b04c cd29 0c20 3403 ebf8 .L.). 4... Listing: B0 4C MOV AL, 'L' ; start off with capital L PRINT: CD 29 INT 29H ; write to console 0C 20 OR AL, 020H ; lowercase it 34 03 XOR AL, 3 ; swap between 'l' (0x6c) and 'o' (0x6f) EB F8 JMP PRINT ; loop forever A standalone PC DOS executable COM program. Output to console. **-3 bytes thx to @nununoisy's very clever use of `XOR` to swap between `l` and `o`.** Runtime: [![enter image description here][1]][1] *Forever and ever...* [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/7AnHb.png