# [PicoLisp](https://picolisp.com), <s><sup>160 157 146 142</sup></s> 138 bytes ```awk (prin(text"S@1 @2 by the @3, The @5 s@1 are @2,@4. So if s@1 @2 on the @3, Then@4 s@1 @3 @5.""he sells"'seashells'seashore" I'm sure"'shells] ``` Using the template: ```perl S1 by the 2, The 5 s1 are 2,4. So if s1 on the 3, Then4 s1 3 5. ``` Where 1 is `"he sells"`, 2 is `"seashells"`, 3 is `"seashore"`, and 4 is `" I'm sure"` [Ideone It!](https://ideone.com/hyfZvI) <kbd>{<sub><sup><sub> 14 imaginary interweb points for guessing which syntax highlighting I'm using without peeking </sub></sup></sub>}</kbd> ### Common Lisp, 160 bytes ```bash (format t"S~a~a by the ~a,~%The shells s~3:*~Aare ~a, I'm sure.~%So if s~3:*~A~a on the ~a,~%Then I'm sure s~3:*~a~*~a shells.""he sells ""seashells""seashore") ``` https://ideone.com/n7zVUm