##[Canvas][1], 14 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)

[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=SCV1RkYxQiV1RkYzQiV1RkYxQSV1RkYxQSV1RkYxQSV1RkYxMiV1RkYwQSVENyV1MjIxNCV1RkYxQiV1RkYxMyV1RkYwQSV1RkYwQg__,i=Mg__)


    Code      |Instruction                                                          |Stack
              |Push input to stack (implicit)                                       |I
    H         |Push "H" to stack                                                    |I,"H"
    ;        |Swap the top two stack items                                         |"H",I
    [        |The following ToS (input) times:                                     |X
        :::|Duplicate ToS (result from last loop ("H" if first loop)) three times|X,X,X,X
        2*  |Repeat twice vertically                                              |X,X,X,X\nX
        ×     |Prepend                                                              |X,X,XX\nX
        ∔    |Join vertically                                                      |X,X\nXX\nX
        ;    |Swap top two stack items                                             |X\nXX\nX,X
        3*  |Repeat three times vertically                                        |X\nXX\nX,X\nX\nX
        +    |Join horizontally                                                    |X<space>X\nXXX\nX<space>X
Where `I` is the input, `X` is the pattern generated by the previous loop ("H" for the first loop), and `<space>` is the empty space on the first and third row of the pattern, added implicitly by `+`.

  [1]: https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas