# [R](https://www.r-project.org), 56 bytes


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Ungolfed code: uses the ```descending``` argument of ```sort``` to control sorting order:
f=function(e,d,l){		# e=entry, d=destination, l=list of passenger floors
	u=e<d				# u=boolean: TRUE=going up; FALSE=going down
	i=!(l>e)-u			# i=elements of l in the first direction
	c(					# join together the first & second directions
	sort(c(d,l[i])		# sort the stops in the first direction...
				  ,!u)	# using 2nd arg of sort: descending TRUE/FALSE=!u
	,sort(l[!i]			# sort the stops in the second direction
			  ,u)		# in the other order: descending TRUE/FALSE=u