# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), <s>12</s> 11 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)


[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f8//VHngswj7cWHVugVeZ7b4fX/f0Z@eWJSfmlJSUZmMQA) or [verify some more inputs](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9TVmmvpPCobZKCkn2ly//0R50LMo@0Fx9aoVdUeW6H1//Dq2t1/mfklycm5ZeWlGRkFnOVpBaXcCVyJSYBUTIIp6SmpWdkZmXn5OblFxQWFZeUlpVXVFZxGRgaGZuYmplbWAIA).

Fun **<s>12</s> 11 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)** alternative:


[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f8//XDvoR2Geod3HFr8qGmNXpHX//8Z@eWJSfmlJSUZmcUA) or [verify some more inputs](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9TVmmvpPCobZKCkn2ly//0w72HdhjqHd5xaPGjpjV6RV7/df5n5JcnJuWXlpRkZBZzlaQWl3AlciUmAVEyCKekpqVnZGZl5@Tm5RcUFhWXlJaVV1RWcRkYGhmbmJqZW1gCAA).

Both version also work for strings with less than 3 characters. The first one could be just `ćs¨.rIθJ` (**8 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)**), but then it doesn't work for single-character strings (`"a"` becomes `"aa"`).


<!-- language-all: lang-python -->

    g              # Take the length of the (implicit) input
                   #  i.e. "howaboutthis" → 12
                   #  i.e. "a" → 1
     ≠i            # If this length is not 1:
                   #   i.e. 12 → 1 (truthy)
                   #   i.e. 1 → 0 (falsey)
       ć           #  Extract the head of the (implicit) input
                   #   i.e. "howaboutthis" → "owaboutthis" and "h"
        s          #  Swap so the list (minus head) is at the top of the stack again
         ¨         #  Remove the last character
                   #   i.e. "owaboutthis" → "owaboutthi"
          .r       #  Randomly shuffle the characters
                   #   i.e. "owaboutthi" → "oohbtwtiua"
            Iθ     #  Take the last character of the input
                   #   i.e. "howaboutthis" → "s"
              J    #  Join the values on the stack together (and output implicitly)
                   #   i.e. "h", "oohbtwtiua", "s" → "hoohbtwtiuas"
                   # (Implicit else)
                   #  (Output the input as is implicitly)
                   #   i.e. "a"


    g              # Take the length of the (implicit) input
                   #  i.e. "howaboutthis" → 12
                   #  i.e. "a" → 1
     Í             # Subtract 2
                   #  i.e. 12 → 10
                   #  i.e. 1 → -1
      ¸            # Wrap it into a list
                   #  i.e. 10 → [10]
                   #  i.e. -1 → [-1]
       1.ø         # Surround it with 1s
                   #  i.e. [10] → [1,10,1]
                   #  i.e. [-1] → [1,-1,1]
          £        # Split the (implicit) input into parts of that size
                   #  i.e. "howaboutthis" and [1,10,1] → ["h","owaboutthi","s"]
                   #  i.e. "a" and [1,-1,1] → ["a","",""]
           €       # Map each value to:
            .r     #  Randomly shuffle the characters
                   #   i.e. ["h","owaboutthi","s"] → ["h","oohbtwtiua","s"]
                   #   i.e. ["a","",""] → ["a","",""]
              J    # Join the values in the list together (and output implicitly)
                   #  i.e. ["h","oohbtwtiua","s"] → "hoohbtwtiuas"
                   #  i.e. ["a","",""] → "a"