[R](http://www.r-project.org/) = Seems I was over complicating the problem with the previous solution. This is about 50% quicker (23 secs on 15k strings) than the previous one and pretty simple. rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) a="xxxappleyyyyyyy" b="zapllezzz" s=proc.time() matchLen=1 matchIndex=1 indexA = 1 repeat { i = 0 repeat { srch = substring(a,indexA,indexA+matchLen+i) if (agrepl(srch,b,max.distance=list(insertions=0,deletions=0,substitutions=1))) i = i + 1 else { if (i > 0) { matchLen = matchLen + i - 1 matchIndex = indexA } break } } indexA=indexA+1 if (indexA + matchLen > nchar(a)) break } c(matchIndex, matchLen + matchIndex) print (substring(a,matchIndex, matchLen + matchIndex)) print(proc.time()-s) This will never be a contender due to the language, but I did have a bit of fun doing it. Not sure of the complexity of it, but over a couple of ~15k strings it takes 43 secs using a single thread. The largest portion of that was the sorting of the arrays. I tried some other libraries, but without significant improvement. a="xxxappleyyyyyyy" b="zapllezzz" s=proc.time() N=nchar S=substring U=unlist V=strsplit A=N(a) B=N(b) a=S(a,1:A) b=S(b,1:B) a=sort(a,method="quick") b=sort(b,method="quick") print(proc.time()-s) C=D=1 E=X=Y=I=0 repeat{ if(N(a[C])>E && N(b[D])>E){ for(i in E:min(N(a[C]),N(b[D]))){ if (sum(U(V(S(a[C],1,i),''))==U(V(S(b[D],1,i),'')))>i-2){ F=i } else break } if (F>E) { X=A-N(a[C])+1 Y=X+F-1 E=F } if (a[C]<b[D]) C=C+1 else D=D+1 } else if(S(a[C],1,1)<S(b[D],1,1))C=C+1 else D=D+1 if(C>A||D>B)break } c(X,Y) print(proc.time()-s) **Method:** - Create a suffix array for each string - Order the suffix arrays - Step through each of the arrays in a staggered sort of way comparing the beginning of each