# [Julia 0.6], 9 bytes

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[Try it online!][TIO-jikofjdr]

[Julia 0.6]: http://julialang.org/
[TIO-jikofjdr]: https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@5@moWn73zOvREP9/jx1zf8FRZl5JTl5GkBhzf8A "Julia 0.6 – Try It Online"

Just for completeness' sake. Here's 2018 (same trick, different character):

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[Try it online!][TIO-jikok9m6]

[Julia 0.6]: http://julialang.org/
[TIO-jikok9m6]: https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@5@moWn73zOvREP9/iJ1zf8FRZl5JTl5GkBhzf8A "Julia 0.6 – Try It Online"

And just for fun, here's a function using bit shifting and arithmetic instead of using character codepoints (depends on this being Julia version 0.6, which seems an appropriately golf-y hack):

# [Julia 0.6], 47 bytes

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[Try it online!][TIO-jikq8pca]

[Julia 0.6]: http://julialang.org/
[TIO-jikq8pca]: https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@19p@18jxzbMNSjY099PLzczL79IJ9@2pKg0VVPXLt/GRiNHO0c3X1MXyKzTBbJ08/8XFGXmleTkaVRqaGr@BwA "Julia 0.6 – Try It Online"

Here, `o=true` evaluates as 1 during arithmetic. `VERSION` is an inbuilt constant containing the current Julia version, and `VERSION.minor` is 6 in this case. We left shift 1 by 6+6-1=11, giving 2048, then subtract `1<<(6-1)`=32 and 1 and 1 from it, to give 2014. 

2018 version would be:
