# Concept

Remembering numbers can be difficult. Remembering a word may be easier. In order to memorize big numbers, I created a way to pronounce them in a leetspeak-like way.

# Rules

Each digit is first replaced by its corresponding letter:

    0 => O
    1 => I
    2 => R
    3 => E
    4 => A
    5 => S
    6 => G
    7 => T
    8 => B
    9 => P

After the replacement, two additionnal things are done to improved pronounciation:

- Between two consonants, a `U` is added.

- Between two vowels, a `N` is added.

# Examples/test cases

    512431 => SIRANENI
    834677081 => BENAGUTUTOBI
    3141592 => ENINANISUPUR
    1234567890 => IRENASUGUTUBUPO
    6164735732 => GIGATESTER

# What's impossible

- Letters and numbers mixed in the same word
- Two successive consonants or two successive vowels
- Letters that are not in the list above
- Other characters

# Rules

The goal of this [tag:code-golf] is to create a 2-way translator for this concept.

- Your program must first undersand by itself if it's letter-to-number or number-to-letter translation.
- It must check for the entry to be properly formed.
- If everything is correct, display the translation.
- Else, display an error message, nothing, return a falsey value or crash the program.

# Details

- The input number/string can be entered in whatever format you want (stdin, argument, ...)
- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest answer wins.
- Standard loopholes are forbidden.