# Perl <!-- language: lang-perl --> print pack qq; \1108; ,hex for qw; 2e5d66e 4b88fad 4560770 3aedf79; Prints a friendly message for a special day! >! Outputs `Happy Birthday!!` (Was given to a programmer friend who hates Perl.) >! <p> >! The white space and semicolon as the delimiting characters are meant to deceive. >! <p> >! **qq;\1108;** (equivalent to "H8") >! <BR> >! The semicolons are the delimiters for the double quote method. \110 is the octal code for H, followed by a plain 8, giving us the packing code "H8", meaning 8 hex digits >! <p> >! **hex** >! <BR> >! Converts a hex string to an integer. No parameter means it runs on $_ (default variable) >! <p> >! **for qw;2e5d66e 4b88fad 4560770 3aedf79;** >! <BR> >! The semicolons are the delimiters for the quoted list method. `for` indicates to run the entire block on the left once per each hex string. >! <p> >! "Unobfuscated", the script is: >! <BR>`print pack("H8", hex($_)) for (2e5d66e 4b88fad 4560770 3aedf79);` >! <p> >! Each of those hex values, when de-hexed into an 8 digit number, and then packed into a 4 characters, will print 4 of the letters of **Happy Birthday!!** [**Run it here**](http://ideone.com/rCkc5b)