Perl, 51 bytes

    $s=<>;$s=~s=^.*$_=$_=,$,.=$&for split"",<>;print$,;

Input is provided via STDIN. First input is the starting word (e.g. `chameleon`), second input is the letters as a single string (e.g. `caln`).

The above is just an obfuscated (read "prettier") way of doing the following:

    $word = <>;
    for $letter(split "", <>) {
       $word =~ s/^.*$letter/$letter/;
       $result .= $&;
    print $result;

As we go through each letter, we replace from the start of the word up to the letter in the source word with just the new letter, and append the match (stored in `$&`) to our result. Since the match includes the letter and then gets replaced with the letter, each letter ends up appearing twice.

Because STDIN appends a new line character to both of our inputs, we're guaranteed to capture the remnants of the full word on the last match, i.e. the new line character.