#[Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 122 - 20 - 15 = 87



* 130 -> 120: Switched to newline separated input.

* 120 -> 134: Fixed a bug involving groups not of size equal to the side length of the matrix.

* 134 -> 120: Prints all solutions, including ones equivalent under group renaming.

* 120 -> 122: Fixed a bug where only paths would be generated, instead of all legal groups.

Test run:

    pyth programs/sum_group.pyth <<< '156790809
    pyth programs/sum_group.pyth <<< '156790808
    pyth programs/sum_group.pyth <<< '1111     


    Pyth code           (Pseudo)-Python code              Comments

    (implicit)          z = input()                       z is the digit string
    (implicit)          Q = eval(input())                 S is the number of groups
    (implicit)          G = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    =Z/lzQ              Z = len(z)/Q                      Z is the size of each group.
    =ks^lz.5            k = int(len(z) ** .5)             k is the side length of the matrix.
    Jm]dUz              J = map(lambda d:[d], range(len(z))) Locations are encoded as numbers.
    L                   def y(b): return                  y will be the transition function.
     [-bQ                         [b-k,                   Move up - the row above is k less.
      +bQ                          b+k,                   Move down - the row below is k more.
      ?tb%bkb                      b-1 if b%k else b      Move left, unless at the left edge.
      ?hb%hbkb)                    b+1 if (b+1)%k else b] Move right, unless at right edge.
    FNJ                 for N in J:                       This constructs the list of all
       IgNZB                       if N[Z-1]: break       Z-length connected groups.
       ~Jm+Nk                      J+=map(lambda k: N+[k],  Append to J the group of N +
          smybN                          sum(map(lambda b:  anything reachable from
                                         y(b),N)))        anywhere in N.
       ;                (end for)
    |                   or                                Print first truthy thing between
     S{                 sorted(set(                       Unique elements in sorted order of
       ms               map(lambda b:sum(                 Map+sum over allowable combinations
         m+@zd          map(lambda d:z[d]+                Character in original digit string
           @S*Z<GQ      sorted(G[:Q]*Z)[                  Repeated and sorted early alphabet
            xsbd        sum(b).index(d)],                 At index of number in sum of groups
          Uz                range(len(z)))                Over possible indexes.
       f                filter(lambda T:                  To generate allowable combinations, 
                                                          we will filter all groups of Q paths.
        qSsTUz          sorted(sum(T)) == range(len(z))   Ensure all locations are visited.
        ^                                                 Combinations of
         f              filter(lambda Y:                  Filter over connected Z-length groups
          qsm           equal(sum(map(lambda k:           Sum of the values of the group
             v@*ZzkY    eval((z*Z)[k]),Y)                 In the original digit string
           /smvbzQ      sum(map(lambda b:eval(b),z))/Q    must equal the sum of all values in z
                                                          divided by the number of groups.
          J             J                                 Filter over connected Z-length groups
         Q              Q                                 Combinations of length Q
     "None              "None"                            If the above was empty, print "None"