There are [40 ways][1] a directed [Hamiltonian path][2] can be arranged on a 3×3 grid:  
![all 20 undirected Hamiltonian paths of a 3&times3; grid][3]  
This graphic ([thanks Sp3000!][4]) shows only the 20 undirected paths. Traverse each colored line in both directions for the 40 directed paths.


Using only [printable ASCII][5], write a 3×3 grid of characters, such as:


When each of the 40 directed paths are read from this grid as 40 single-line, 9-character programs, the goal is to have each program output a unique integer from 1 to 40. Doing this for *all* 40 paths seems difficult and unlikely, so you only need to make it work for as many paths as you can.

**The submission whose 40 path-programs output the most distinct numbers from 1 to 40 will be the winner. Tiebreaker goes to the earlier submission.**

Path-programs that error or do not output an integer from 1 to 40 or output an integer that another path-program already covered are not counted. Specifically:

- Programs that error while compiling, running, or exiting are not counted. Warnings are ok.
- Programs that don't output an integer from 1 to 40 or output something slightly malformed such as `-35` or `35 36` are not counted.
- Programs that require user input to produce the output are not counted.
- Otherwise valid programs that output an integer from 1 to 40 that another valid program has already output are not counted. (The first program *is* counted.)
- Only programs that output integer representations of numbers from 1 to 40 (inclusive) are counted towards your total. The numbers are expected to be in the usual `1`, `2`, ..., `39`, `40` format, unless that is not the norm for your language. (A trailing newline in the output is fine.)
- Which numbers your programs output and what order they are in does not matter. Only the number of distinct integers from valid programs matters.

**All path-programs must be run in the same language.** However, the "programs" may in fact be functions (with no required arguments) or [REPL][6] commands, as well as full programs, that print or return their target integer. You may mix and match between functions, REPL commands, and full programs.


If your 3×3 grid were


and your 40 programs and outputs looked like this

    ABCFEDGHI -> 26
    ABCFIHEDG -> 90
    ABCFIHGDE -> 2
    ABEDGHIFC -> syntax error
    ADEBCFIHG -> prints 40 but then errors
    ADGHEBCFI -> 6
    ADGHIFCBE -> 6
    ADGHIFEBC -> 6
    CBADEFIHG -> runtime error
    CBADGHEFI -> 3
    CBADGHIFE -> 4
    CFEBADGHI -> -32
    CFIHEBADG -> 38.0
    CFIHGDABE -> "36"
    EDABCFIHG -> 33
    EFCBADGHI -> no output
    EHGDABCFI -> compilation error
    EHIFCBADG -> 8
    GDABCFEHI -> 22
    GHEDABCFI -> 41
    IHGDEFCBA -> 0
    GDEHIFCBA -> '9'
    EDGHIFCBA -> +10
    CFIHGDEBA -> 11
    GHIFCBEDA -> error
    IFCBEHGDA -> error
    EBCFIHGDA -> error
    CBEFIHGDA -> error
    GHIFEDABC -> error
    IFEHGDABC -> 30
    EFIHGDABC -> 39
    IHGDABEFC -> 7
    GDABEHIFC -> 29
    EBADGHIFC -> -1
    GHIFCBADE -> 26
    IHGDABCFE -> 1
    IFCBADGHE -> error
    GDABCFIHE -> no output
    IHEFCBADG -> no output
    IFCBADEHG -> "quack"

your score would be 14, because there are 14 distinct integers from 1 to 40 validly output, namely `26 2 6 3 4 33 8 22 11 30 39 7 29 1`.
