Your challenge is to make an infinite loading screen, that looks like this:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]


Or, to be more specific:

- Take no input.
- Output `Loading...`, with a trailing space, but no trailing newline.
- Infinitely cycle through the chars `|`, `/`, `-` and `\`: every 0.25 seconds, overwrite the last one with the next in the sequence. You can overwrite just the last character, or delete and rewrite the whole line, as long `Loading...` remains unchanged.</sub>


# Rules

- The output text must look exactly as specified. Trailing newlines/spaces are acceptable.
- You should *not* wait 0.25 seconds before initially showing output - the first frame should be printed as soon as the program is run.
- **Your program should be able to run indefinitely.** For example, if you use a counter for frames, the counter should never cause an error by exceeding the maximum in your language.
- Although the waiting period between each "frame" should be 0.25 seconds, obviously this will never be exact - an error margin of 10% or so is allowed.
- You may submit a function, but it must print to `stdout`.
- You can submit an answer in a non-console (but still text-based) environment, as long as it is capable of producing the loading animation.
- This is [tag:code-golf], so the shortest solution (in bytes) wins. Standard code-golf loopholes apply.
- **If possible, please provide a gif of your loading screen in action.**


# Example

Here is the C++ code I used to create the example (ungolfed):

<!-- language: lang-cpp -->

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <thread>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {
	    string cycle = "|/-\\";
	    int i = 0;

	    cout << "Loading... ";

	    while (true) {
		    // Print current character
		    cout << cycle[i];

		    // Sleep for 0.25 seconds

		    // Delete last character, then increase counter.
		    cout << "\b";
		    i = ++i % 4;

May the best golfer win!
