# 12. [V], 36 bytes <pre><code>.1lllGYVH""pØHi, Retina!->üˆ.*± Ø^0$ </code></pre> [Try it online!][TIO-jeyuxqy8] [V]: https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V [TIO-jeyuxqy8]: https://tio.run/##K/v/X88wJyfHPTLMQ0mp4PAMj0wdhaDUksy8REVdu8N7DnXoaR3ayHV4RpyBCglKAQ "V – Try It Online" **Satisfies:** 2. The first character is a `.`. 3. It contains an `e`. 4. Its length is even. 5. Its length is a perfect square. 6. It contains an `a`. 7. It contains a `>` character. 8. Contains the exact string `->`. 9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`. 10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5. 11. The 10-th character is a `"`. 12. **The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.** **For future answers:** - The first character is a `.`. - Its length is an even perfect square. - Contains the exact sequence `->`. - Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`. - The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4. - The 10-th character is a `"`. - The last line non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.