# [Brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 442 bytes


[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70yqSgxMy-tNDl7wYKlpSVpuha3GHdpw4GdnZ02BSDaxkbbTttON9ZGFw-wwWeEnZ1OND7N2EA0FogpZWNjowf0X7RurF2sTbSNHhDY2cHZdnpwtp2eDZKMnR5cBiSBkAErQ5JD1mWnB9OlZ4OwB6wdIY5kD5gHk0GyRQ_JDj0kG8COj9WJhUQhNCYXrHZzU7AwVDAxV7C0hAgBAA)

The input can be separated by every character with a value bigger than 'F'.
The working section looks like this:
| '\n' | 'X' | ' ' | {input character} | 0 (used for stopping loops) |

prepare the initial state
++++++++++ newline

prepare space and X
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [<<+>+>-]
< ---------------------------- space
< ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ X

Go to start position and read char
  subtract '0'
  [ if !0
    -[ if !1
      -[ if !2
        -[ if !3
          -[ if !4
            -[ if !5
              -[ if !6
                -[ if !7
                  -[ if !8
                    -[ if !9
                      subtract difference between 'A' and '9' 
                      -[ if !A
                        -[ if !B
                          -[ if !C
                            -[ if !D
                              -[ if !E
                                -[ if !F
                                  print newline
                                  clear input character
                                <[ print 'F' <....>> ]>
                              <[ print 'E' <...>.> ]>
                            <[ print 'D' <..>.<.>> ]>
                          <[ print 'C' <..>..> ]>
                        <[ print 'B' <.>.<..>> ]>
                      <[ print 'A' <.>.<.>.> ]>
                    <[ print '9' <.>..<.>> ]>
                  <[ print '8' <.>...> ]>
                <[ print '7' .<...>> ]>
              <[ print '6' .<..>.> ]>
            <[ print '5' .<.>.<.>> ]>
          <[ print '4' .<.>..> ]>
        <[ print '3' ..<..>> ]>
      <[ print '2' ..<.>.> ]>
    <[ print '1' ...<.>> ]>
  <[ print '0' ....> ]
  read next input