In programming, there is a recursive algorithm called binary exponentiation, which allows for large integer powers to be calculated in a faster way. Given a non-zero base \$x\$ and a non-negative exponent \$n\$, the algorithm goes something like this (based on the example code from Wikipedia):
Function exp_by_squaring(x, n)
if n = 0 then return 1;
else if n is even then return exp_by_squaring(x * x, n / 2);
else if n is odd then return x * exp_by_squaring(x * x, (n - 1) / 2);
Basically, the code "reduces" the exponent term by first checking whether the current exponent is odd or even, then if it is even, just square root it; otherwise, divide by the base then square root it. Then repeat until the exponent reaches \$0\$. If the exponent is initially \$0\$, then just return \$1\$ directly.
This allows for an exponent term to be calculated faster than just multiplying the base by itself one at a time.
Here is an example of the algorithm being applied on \$x=3,n=21\$.
- \$n=21\$ is odd and non-zero, so we divide by the base, then square root. In this case, the number reduces to \$\sqrt{\frac{3^{21}}3}=3^{10}\$.
- \$n=10\$ is even and non-zero, so we simply take the square root. \$\sqrt{3^{10}}=3^5\$.
- \$n=5\$ is odd and non-zero, so we divide by the base, then square root. \$\sqrt{\frac{3^5}3}=3^2\$.
- Continuing the process, we get \$3^1\$ then \$3^0\$, after which the recursion stops.
Notice how at each step in the example above, we have a value which resulted from reducing the original number. Your task is to return a list of these numbers, given a non-zero integer base \$x\ne-1\$ and a non-negative integer exponent \$n\$. The list should always contain the initial value as the first element. The list can be returned in reverse order if you want to.
Test Cases
x, n -> Output
3, 21 -> [10460353203, 59049, 243, 9, 3, 1]
1000, 0 -> [1]
2, 15 -> [32768, 128, 8, 2, 1]
1, 40000 -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
21, 3 -> [9261, 21, 1]
2, 30 -> [1073741824, 32768, 128, 8, 2, 1]
This is code-golf, so shortest code in bytes wins!