JavaScript (ES6), 83 82 bytes
Returns a Boolean value.
f=(s,a=[ Set(s)],p)=>s.match(p)&&a.every((c,n)=>f(s,a.filter(_=>n--),[p]+c))
f = ( // f is a recursive function taking:
s, // s = input string
a = [ Set(s)], // a[] = list of unique characters in s
p // p = current permutation, initially undefined
) => //
s.match(p) && // abort if p is not found in s
// NB: s.match(undefined) is truthy because it's equivalent
// to looking for an empty string in s
a.every((c, n) => // otherwise, for each character c at position n in a[]:
f( // do a recursive call:
s, // pass s unchanged
a.filter(_ => n--), // remove the n-th character in a[] (0-indexed)
[p] + c // coerce p to a string and append c to p
) // end of recursive call
) // end of every()