#Python 2.5 - 2.7.9

**Range: <=64**

    >r otnfn-lu<.liamcdaka btnymsgachu ssee
    rtfn gaco lkls ldmsh bddvr P h girW
    wlbdbrsd)kecnicu h s n D aon itom tebso it eeo
    tic  adla bo entis ldmsh ne mtetrF
    otten uuim onictD- nabt
    yrmo wn h .otten uuim eisdynNbTeT)itib ss ldm>inicu itib

NOTE: This entry has been modified because it came to my attention that the output would change depending on certain factors about your computer. The above output should be possible with the same code as I have across all python 2 installations, the old output below only works on certain linux installations. I will accept a crack to be a program that can produce either output.

    >cps/.nhy/i/s/ of'o ldm
    ebtpo rwcbe o a enh cs;ealreuu ienh tyei ieuo ity eiopIAeT:nna
    .oe eice (ch
    otnfeteudaEIn tit rpio lisps irvwH.prsas elce tdden ieuo itgibei h o
    niandisogbaf otee -ynna
    .ce nsokeS niandisogbasspe na a h>n-lu('y'euo<d otnfn-lu<