#Excel VBA, 251 bytes <!-- language-all: lang-vb --> Sub m() D=99 For x=1To 4*D For y=1To 4*D p=0 q=0 For j=1To 98 c=2*p*q p=p^2-q^2-2+(x-1)/D q=c+2+(1-y)/D If Sqr(p^2+q^2)>=2Then Exit For Next j=-j*(j<99) Cells(y,x).Interior.Color=Rnd(-j)*2^20*j/D Next Next Cells.RowHeight=9 Cells.ColumnWidth=1 End Sub Output: [![Output with D = 99][1]][1] I made a version that did this a long time ago but it had a lot of extras like letting the user pick the basic color and easy-to-follow math. Golfing it way down was an interesting challenge. The `Color` method uses `2^20` as a means to get a wide range of colors since the valid colors are `0` to `2^24`. Setting the exponent to `20` gave higher contrast areas. Explanation / Auto-Formatting: Sub m() 'D determines the number of pixels and is factored in a few times throughout D = 99 For x = 1 To 4 * D For y = 1 To 4 * D 'Test to see if it escapes 'Use p for the real part and q for the imaginary p = 0 q = 0 For j = 1 To 98 'This is a golfed down version of complex number math that started as separate generic functions for add, multiple, and modulus c = 2 * p * q p = p ^ 2 - q ^ 2 - 2 + (x - 1) / D q = c + 2 + (1 - y) / D If Sqr(p ^ 2 + q ^ 2) >= 2 Then Exit For Next 'Correct for no escape j = -j * (j < 99) 'Store the results 'Rnd() with a negative input is deterministic 'This is what gives us the distinct color bands Cells(y, x).Interior.Color = Rnd(-j) * 2 ^ 24 * j / D Next Next 'Resize for pixel art Cells.RowHeight = 9 Cells.ColumnWidth = 1 End Sub ---------- I also played around with `D=999` and `j=1 to 998` to get a much larger and more precise image. The results are irrelevant to the challenge because they're way too large but they *are* neat. [![D=999][3]][3] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/jcPqJ.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/OSPY9.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/FHIHY.jpg