# [05AB1E], 50 bytes


[Try it online!][TIO-joesblcy]


The basic idea is to translate it into 05AB1E code and eval it.

    0                                                    Set the accumulator to 0.
     [                                                   Do this forever.
      „>>,                                               Print ">>"
          I                                              Read input
           "idsoxdkc" Ã                                  Keep only "idsoxdkc" characters.
                     ©                                   Also put "idsoxdkc" in the register.
                       ε    }                            For each character in the filtered input:
                        ®skн                             Find it's index in "idsoxdkc"
                             "><n="sè                    Index into "><n="
                                     "Džz1(‚såi }"ý      After each command, check if accumulator = -1 or 256
                                               0         If it does, change it to 0
                                                   .V    Evaluate as 05AB1E code.

[05AB1E]: https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E
[TIO-joesblcy]: https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/fIPpRwzw7Ox1PpcyU4vyKlOxkpUMrDzef23poXXH2hb21SnY2ebZKxYdXKLkc3VdlqPGoYVbx4aWZBrVKh/fqhSn8/1@RWZxdnM8FojKLk7lSgCBfAUxisJEZYCYYZeYDAA "05AB1E – Try It Online"