# [Jelly], <s>8</s> 7 [bytes]


[Try it online!] or [verify all test cases].

### How it works (outdated)

    ;E¡0ỤḢṬ+  Main link. Argument: A

     E¡       Do e times, where e is 1 if all elements of A are equal and 0 otherwise.
    ;  0          Append 0 to the array.
        Ụ     Grade up; yield the indices of the resulting array, sorted by their
              corresponding values in that array.
         Ḣ    Head; extract the first index, which is the index of the first occurrence
              of the minimum. For an array of equal elements, this will be the index
              of the appended 0.
          Ṭ   Untruth; for index i, yield an array of i-1 zeroes, followed by a 1.
           +  Add this array to A, incrementing the minimum.

[bytes]: https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page
[Jelly]: https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly
[Try it online!]: http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCYO-G5gOG7pOG4ouG5rCs&input=&args=WzMsIDMsIDMsIDMsIDNd
[verify all test cases]: http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCYO-G5gOG7pOG4ouG5rCsKxbzDh-KCrEvigqzigqxq4oKs4oCcIC0-IOKAnVk&input=&args=WzFdLCBbMl0sIFsxLCAxXSwgWzMsIDMsIDMsIDMsIDNdLCBbMSwgMl0sIFsyLCAxXSwgWzMsIDEsIDFdLCBbMywgMiwgMV0sIFszLCAyLCAyXSwgWzMsIDMsIDJdLCBbMywgNCwgOSwgM10sIFs0LCA0LCA5LCAzXSwgWzQsIDQsIDksIDRdLCBbNSwgNCwgOSwgNF0