##[QBIC](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0R1Jgqp8Gg4cVJCZkRkdEthZDQ), <s>15</s> 6 bytes The way to do this without errors costs 15 bytes: ?ucase$(@qbic`) Since QBIC is in all-caps, this code is allowed: it takes the string literal `qbic` and prints it in uppercase. An error-output (which feels kinda cheaty to me) is shorter: ?b(12) In 6 bytes, we can put `QBIC encountered error: 9` on the screen, signifying an out-of-bounds error. [See here why](http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/104323/shortest-auto-destructive-loop/104402#104402).